Similar to our Starburst vignette in V2, but this has more points for more internal image area and automatically sizes to the full border of your image.
King Leonidas would be proud...if he weren't so very, very dead. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go see the movie. A warm, perpetual sunset and soft film grain.
Similar to B&W Interactor, but has an edgy boldness. To adjust, click on the color within the image and drag your mouse left or right to lighten or darken.
A B&W conversion that will allow you to fine tune the tonality of different colors prior to conversion. Has an edgy boldness. Reduced intensity from the standard version.
Bam! An illuminant, 3-Dimensional, edgy, bold and powerful round-house kick to the head. Use on images with lots of texture and detail then stand back and feel the dragon.