A very unique color palette that is impressionistic more than realistic. Use this when you are really searching for something out of the ordinary.
Rich blue toning - but in the shadows primarily.
Cool blue monochromatic toning.
Cool blue monochromatic toning x2.
Green with envy? B&W toning.
You guessed it. Red toning.
A reduced version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin BW look for a beautiful combo. Then adds a separate layer above to restore detail and tone down the soft.
Very high key contrasty. Get the over-exposed look without losing highlight detail.
A super soft velvet like finish over your image.
A soft subtle color palette similar to what you might get from tea staining a print.
More red toning.
A stronger color version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin B&W look for a beautiful combo.
A strong bold and moody version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
High contrast high key. Puts a soft wash on skin tones. Bold and sassy like your favorite super heroine!
One variation on a classic fashion look: cross-processed film (a little more green).
Bright intense like golden sunshine. Edgy and vivid.
A dramatic old world feel with more punch and contrast than Moulin Rouge.
A stronger color version with reduced contrast of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.