Smart sharpening with the bonus of masking the edges. Avoid sharpening those pores in the skin!
Cool blue monochromatic toning.
Cool blue monochromatic toning x2.
Kubota KPD Midbright midtone brightener with a little less bright.
Place your logo on the bottom left.
Add a file name to your image 1000px.
Place your logo on the bottom right.
Even helps with out of focus images! While nothing can create detail where there is none, this will create a darn good illusion of sharpness.
Add a file name to your image 1200px.
A subtle everyday type effect that works great to enhance colors, especially blue skies.
Simple but useful warming effect. Add warmth to a cooler image.
Add a file name to your image 450px.
Add a file name to your image 750 px.
While nothing can create detail where there is none, this will create a darn good illusion of sharpness.
Formula to richen a B&W conversion.
Use this after a normal B&W conversion to add depth and slight warmth.
A very useful midtone brightener.
Automatically pace your logo on the bottom center of your image.