This effect will help to minimize or eliminate posterization problems in highly processed images.
While nothing can create detail where there is none, this will create a darn good illusion of sharpness.
For those creamy skin tones that nearly blow out. Looks great on high-key backdrops. Keeps shadows and contrast.
Porcelain like skin tones and overall midtone brightening.
Porcelain like skin tones and overall midtone brightening. Also adds soft smoothing, excellent for skin.
Removes the inherent magenta cast from skin tones.
Use this to reduce the shadows under the eyes.
A beautiful skin softening effect. Does not add glow.
Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.
Open the details of those shadows.
Just a hint of warming.
A very useful midtone brightener.
Use it to darken key areas of your image without washing out the shadows.
Use it to lighten key areas of your image without washing out the shadows or blowing highlights.
A nice overall softening with very little glow. Great for skin softening. Maintains contrast and clarity.