Formula to richen a B&W conversion.
A neutral B&W conversion that is full of snap and deep blacks. Try it, you'll like it!
B&W with a glowing punchy effect.
Not exactly infrared but a similarly enhanced B&W conversion.
Rich and dramatic B&W works nice where faces are well lit. Otherwise creates a very dramatic lighting feel.
A high speed film effect with grain added.
True deep black and clean crisp white.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel and warm shadows.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel AND an underlying edginess that gives it a bite. Grrr.
B&W conversion using the LAB color mode.
Use this after a normal B&W conversion to add depth and slight warmth.
Deep, dark blacks and clean, crisp whites.
B&W like a hot mocha in the morning, decaf.
Purple in the shadows.
Is it B&W? You decide. An ever so subtle hint of color makes you your eyes deceive you? Look long and hard and contemplate the meaning of life.
Film-like grain effect. Mucho grain. Use after a B&W effect.
Film-like grain effect. Grain like the Z films. Use after a B&W effect.
Nearly black and white with just a touch of warm color.
Nearly black and white but with a yummy DEEP fudgie richness.
A great classic version of black and white.