Similiar to our Starburst vignette in V2, but this has more points" for more internal image area. Allows you to adjust the shape."
Setup step for Portrait setup 2. Allows you to select your retouching area.
A sepia conversion that maintains true black in the shadows and true whites in the highlights, rich and thick.
Rich blue toning - but in the shadows primarily.
A rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
A reduced version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin BW look for a beautiful combo. Then adds a separate layer above to restore detail and tone down the soft.
Darkens the edges in a circular shape. Automatically sizes to any image.
Adds a dark, unique texture to your image that changes each time it's applied.
A super soft velvet like finish over your image.
Film-like grain effect. We've used proprietary techniques to give a more organic feel to images. Use after a B&W Action.
A stronger color version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin B&W look for a beautiful combo.
A strong bold and moody version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
One of our most used effects. Add a vignette to any image.
Similar to our Starburst vignette in V2, but this has more points for more internal image area and automatically sizes to the full border of your image.
A sepia conversion that maintains true black in the shadows and true whites in the highlights, more.
A sepia conversion that maintains true black in the shadows and true whites in the highlights, standard.
This creates a harder to detect star shape around the subject before darkening the edges.
A stronger color version with reduced contrast of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.