• $6
    Wake Up Call

    Wake Up Call

    Sharpens everything up.

  • $9
    Fade to Black and White

    Fade to Black and White

    Is it B&W? You decide. An ever so subtle hint of color makes you wonder...do your eyes deceive you? Look long and hard and contemplate the meaning of life.

  • Free
    Custard Cream

    Custard Cream

    Pour custard cream on the image and shoot it through an antique camera viewfinder. A softly washed image that's contrasty, yet soft.

  • $9
    Golden Delish

    Golden Delish

    Bright, light, and vivid with a golden hue.

  • $9


    Muted and cool, great for everyday use.

  • $9


    Like a sunset in autumn.

  • $9


    A bolder version of TheEdge. Make it yours.

  • $9
    If 60's Were 90's

    If 60's Were 90's

    If the 60's were 90's you wouldn't have this action, which would really bum you out.

  • Free
    Tone a Luscious Midnight

    Tone a Luscious Midnight

    A cool, monochromatic effect like the evening sky. Maintains original image tone and contrast.

  • $6
    Border Black with White Vertical

    Border Black with White Vertical

    Black border with white stroke keyline for vertical.

  • $9
    Ragged Edges

    Ragged Edges

    An edge texture that can add a more antique feel. Try it with a vignette for more drama.

  • Free
    Tone a Luscious Cocoa

    Tone a Luscious Cocoa

    A warm, cocoa scented, monochromatic effect that hints at sepia. Maintains original image tone and contrast.

  • $9
    Sweeny Todd

    Sweeny Todd

    Moody with the feel of walking through an old London town in winter. Faded color palette.

  • $9
    Try a Little Tenderness

    Try a Little Tenderness

    Do you feel like you just need something soft and romantic? A little dreamy perhaps? Then try a little tenderness. Works on spouses especially well.

  • $9
    Smarter Sharp with Edge Mask 1

    Smarter Sharp with Edge Mask 1

    Smart sharpening with the bonus of masking the edges. Avoid sharpening those pores in the skin!

  • $9
    4x6 with EVEN black borders and white key line

    4x6 with EVEN black borders and white key line

    4x6 with EVEN black borders and white stroke.

  • $6
    D1 Magenta Remove

    D1 Magenta Remove

    Removes the inherent magenta cast from skin tones.

  • $9
    It's Just a Vibe I Get

    It's Just a Vibe I Get

    A new classic. This is a great overall action for depth and color. Play it more than once to build the effect.

  • $9
    Chai Stained

    Chai Stained

    Old and rich, with a hint of spice.

  • $9
    BW Full Moon

    BW Full Moon

    A neutral B&W conversion that is full of snap and deep blacks. Try it, you'll like it!