Sharpening variation without using USM. USM may be added afterwards if desired.
Smooth tone transition from shadow to mids to highlight.
Very close to true B&W but with deep rich shadows.
Auto-tone your image with Tone Master. You will see no effect on your image if you have already reached tone enlightenment.
Just a little snap and contrast without affecting color tone or saturation. If you want to boost and add vibrance to colors too, try Boosterizer.
A beautiful skin softening effect. Does not add glow.
The closest thing to straight B&W you will find here with light midtones.
Enhance details and removes haziness from the image. You may find you like this a starter effect for all your images.
Pops colors and contrast. Kind of like beer goggles, only different.
Sharpening variation without using USM (unsharp mask). USM may be added afterwards if desired. A more intense version of the effect called sharpen custom hi pass.
Darkens just the edges evenly around the frame of the picture.
Open up the midtones of an image without changing shadow or highlight information.
Similar to a 1/3 stop exposure increase. Raises all levels like an exposure would but keeps the image from washing out like Brightness/Contrast.
Cuts more of the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap. Heavier version of Clarify Lite.
Use it to darken key areas of your image without washing out the shadows.
Simple but useful warming effect. Add warmth to a cooler image.
Beautiful romantic glow effect, add some vibrance.
Cuts the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap.
A light-bright color effect perfect for everyday images. You will want to batch this one!
Adds life to everyday images. Especially for digital images, adds a localized contrast boost overall color punch and deepens blue skies.