White border for horizontal image.
White border for vertical image.
White border with black stroke keyline for vertical.
Bring on the color and bring on the details.
This earth texture is very warm in the middle and darkens around the edges.
A fashion B&W look. More contrast punch and drama.
A neutral B&W conversion that is full of snap and deep blacks. Try it, you'll like it!
Rich and dramatic B&W works nice where faces are well lit. Otherwise creates a very dramatic lighting feel.
A high speed film effect with grain added.
True deep black and clean crisp white.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel and warm shadows.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel AND an underlying edginess that gives it a bite. Grrr.
B&W conversion using the LAB color mode.
Use this after a normal B&W conversion to add depth and slight warmth.
Deep, dark blacks and clean, crisp whites.
Very cool earth texture in blue and white tones and lens flare from top left.
B&W like a hot mocha in the morning, decaf.
Cuts more of the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap. Heavier version of Clarify Lite.
Use it to paint contrast only to areas that need a little oomph. Try it on hair and important details of an image to make them more prominent.
A lighter, soft and creamy effect. You just gotta try it. Non-staining formula.