Contrasty enhanced color similar to Fuji's Velvia.
Get funky with this vivid version of a cross-process type look.
This stone like earth texture is a mix of warm and cool tones with hard lines and slight cracking.
Adds a beautiful soft glow and enhances the color and contrast at the same time.
Bright, light, and vivid with a golden hue.
Film-like grain effect. Mucho grain. Use after a B&W effect.
Film-like grain effect. Grain like the Z films. Use after a B&W effect.
Adding a black border with a white keyline.
Adding a white border with a black keyline.
This cool, light earth texture is spotted with light and dark gray areas.
Make your image pop with this rich and lively effect.
A very smooth earth texture with cool neutral tones.
Built after our popular KPD Hollywood Intensity effect in Art V1. Hollywood Glow adds glowing softness to the original look.
Nearly black and white with just a touch of warm color.
Nearly black and white but with a yummy DEEP fudgie richness.
This cool toned earth texture is heavy with hard lines and depth.
Smooth and slightly soft, with a gentle contrast punch. Zero calories too.
Adds a bit of a unique texture to your image that changes each time it's applied.
Adds a unique texture to your image. Play this one a second time to build the effect.