Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop.
Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop. With skin smooth added.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin BW look for a beautiful combo. Then adds a separate layer above to restore detail and tone down the soft.
Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop. This version has more contrast and skin smooth added.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin B&W look for a beautiful combo.
A darkened edge around a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
A bright light version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.
A unique painterly look that simplifies the image and makes it look half painted half photographic, in bold colors.
Bring the eyes to life! Run the effect then select a brush size that is just slightly smaller than the iris. Dab over it to bring out the color.
Kubota's The Look with Smooth combined for wonderfulness.
Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop. This version has more contrast.
A unique painterly look that simplifies the image and makes it look half painted half photographic, in soft colors.
A beautiful skin softening effect. Does not add glow.
Golden vintage feel with bright colors.