Very close to true B&W but with deep rich shadows.
This is a soft - lightly colored effect that gives an old timeless feel to your image.
Lightly colored effect with a glow. It will give you an old timeless feel to your image.
A sepia conversion that maintains true black in the shadows and true whites in the highlights, rich and thick.
Rich blue toning - but in the shadows primarily.
The closest thing to straight B&W you will find here.
The closest thing to straight B&W you will find here with light midtones.
A cool, monochromatic effect like the evening sky. Maintains original image tone and contrast.
Slightly red, warm, and full of love. A monochromatic effect that maintains original image tone and contrast.
Cool blue monochromatic toning.
Cool blue monochromatic toning x2.
Green with envy? B&W toning.
You guessed it. Red toning.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin BW look for a beautiful combo. Then adds a separate layer above to restore detail and tone down the soft.
Just like in the movies fade to black and white...
Simply sets you up on the proper layer to be able to reduce the opacity of the layer set so the effect can be fine tuned.
More red toning.
A bronze like toning - not quite sepia but rich and flavorful, version 2.
Combines Velveteen with the Black Satin B&W look for a beautiful combo.
Blue in the shadows and warm in the highlights.