Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.
Similar to a 1/3 stop exposure increase. Raises all levels like an exposure would but keeps the image from washing out like Brightness/Contrast.
Similar to a 2/3 stop exposure increase. Raises all levels like an exposure would but keeps the image from washing out like Brightness/Contrast.
This will help to restore highlight detail on a slightly over-exposed image. It works well after using a contrast enhancing effect. You will paint this in.
Raises the shadow values without affecting the highlights as much, version 1.
Pulling back the Kubota Mid Puller which is a smooth tone transition from shadows to mids to highlights.
When you need cover girl smoothness this is the ticket. It requires manual painting but it will set you all up.
Even helps with out of focus images! While nothing can create detail where there is none, this will create a darn good illusion of sharpness.
Simple but useful warming gel filters. Add a little mood to a blah, cool image.
Removes the inherent magenta cast from skin tones.
Bring the eyes to life! Run the effect then select a brush size that is just slightly smaller than the iris. Dab over it to bring out the color.
Creates layers pre-set for retouching the eyes and teeth.
Similar to a 1/2 stop exposure increase. Raises all levels like an exposure would but keeps the image from washing out like Brightness/Contrast.
Automatically prepares the necessary layers for retouching portraits. Use the Action hide/show notes to remove the note.
A bright soft high-key look. Try this with portraits on a white background for beautiful modern looks.
Attempt to fix images shot with the wrong white balance settings.
Simple but useful warming effect. Add warmth to a cooler image.