Paint in your Smarter Sharp.
Enhance details and removes haziness from the image. You may find you like this a starter effect for all your images.
For those creamy skin tones that nearly blow out. Looks great on high-key backdrops. Keeps shadows and contrast.
Deep darkness, bleached whites with a touch of peach and a bump of sharp.
A fashion B&W look. More contrast punch and drama.
A neutral B&W conversion that is full of snap and deep blacks. Try it, you'll like it!
A high speed film effect with grain added.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel and warm shadows.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel AND an underlying edginess that gives it a bite. Grrr.
Cuts more of the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap. Heavier version of Clarify Lite.
Use it to paint contrast only to areas that need a little oomph. Try it on hair and important details of an image to make them more prominent.
Adds life to everyday images. Especially for digital images, adds a localized contrast boost overall color punch and deepens blue skies.
Contrasty enhanced color similar to Fuji's Velvia.
Built after our popular KPD Hollywood Intensity effect in Art V1. Hollywood Glow adds glowing softness to the original look.
A different color palette that is somewhat antique, yet bold at the same time.
Adds clarity, dimension and pop to your color.
Similar to a 1 stop exposure increase. Raises all levels like an exposure would but keeps the image from washing out like Brightness/Contrast.
Just a little snap and contrast without affecting color tone or saturation. If you want to boost and add vibrance to colors too, try Boosterizer.