• $9
    Sepia Deep Black 2

    Sepia Deep Black 2

    A sepia conversion that maintains true black in the shadows and true whites in the highlights, more.

  • $9
    Sunglow 2 More

    Sunglow 2 More

    A bright sunny glowing effect with softness.

  • $9
    Velveteen 23 reduced

    Velveteen 23 reduced

    A reduced version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.

  • $9
    Velveteen with Edge Dark

    Velveteen with Edge Dark

    A darkened edge around a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.

  • $9
    Enter the Dragon - Smooth Bold 2

    Enter the Dragon - Smooth Bold 2

    3-Dimensional and bold with a surreal smoothness to it. Almost a painterly feel, but not quite. Use it on daring people pictures to smooth skin. Stronger than 1.

  • $9
    Velveteen 48

    Velveteen 48

    A stronger color version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.

  • $9
    Velveteen Adjuster

    Velveteen Adjuster

    Simply sets you up on the proper layer to be able to reduce the opacity of the layer set so the effect can be fine tuned.

  • $9
    Velveteen 65

    Velveteen 65

    A strong bold and moody version of a rich color palette with shadows that diffuse over the highlights.

  • $9
    KK - Tamara Decaf Tea

    KK - Tamara Decaf Tea

    A toned down version of Kubota Tea Stained.

  • $9
    KK - Tamara Half Look

    KK - Tamara Half Look

    Kubota's The Look with Smooth combined for wonderfulness.