• $6
    Daylight to Tungsten Filter

    Daylight to Tungsten Filter

    Attempt to fix images shot with the wrong white balance settings.

  • $9
    Portrait Setup step 1

    Portrait Setup step 1

    Setup step for Portrait setup 2. Allows you to select your retouching area.

  • $6
    Too Warm Daylight Tungsten 2

    Too Warm Daylight Tungsten 2

    Attempt to fix images shot with the wrong white balance settings.

  • $6
    Too Blue Tungsten Daylight 2

    Too Blue Tungsten Daylight 2

    Attempt to fix images shot with the wrong white balance settings.

  • $9
    Soft Focus Lens - Snap up

    Soft Focus Lens - Snap up

    Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.

  • $9
    Plastic Lens - Fantastic

    Plastic Lens - Fantastic

    Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.

  • $9
    Pinhole ZP - Zippy

    Pinhole ZP - Zippy

    Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.

  • $9
    Single Glass - Vitamize

    Single Glass - Vitamize

    Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.

  • $9
    Velveteen Adjuster

    Velveteen Adjuster

    Simply sets you up on the proper layer to be able to reduce the opacity of the layer set so the effect can be fine tuned.

  • $9
    KK - Tamara Double Midbright

    KK - Tamara Double Midbright

    Kubota KPD Midbright midtone brightener with a little less bright.

  • $9
    KK - Tamara Hint of Warmth

    KK - Tamara Hint of Warmth

    Just a hint of warming.

  • $9
    KK - Tamara Mid Puller Pullback

    KK - Tamara Mid Puller Pullback

    Pulling back the Kubota Mid Puller which is a smooth tone transition from shadows to mids to highlights.