A bronze like toning - not quite sepia but rich and flavorful.
Using the classic channel mixer formula. Light ethereal skin tones. Added punch.
Formula to richen a B&W conversion.
A high speed film effect with grain added.
True deep black and clean crisp white.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel and warm shadows.
B&W conversion using the LAB color mode.
Use this after a normal B&W conversion to add depth and slight warmth.
Deep, dark blacks and clean, crisp whites.
B&W like a hot mocha in the morning, decaf.
Creamy and sweet, with a hint of brown sugar.
Removes the inherent magenta cast from skin tones.
Purple in the shadows.
Blue with sharpening.
A simple tool to darken the edges evenly in a rectangular shape. Different from an oval vignette.
Adds a dark splatter edge to your image.
Is it B&W? You decide. An ever so subtle hint of color makes you wonder...do your eyes deceive you? Look long and hard and contemplate the meaning of life.
For those that like cross-processed looks but with less blue in the shadows and more pleasing skin tones than a traditional cross-processed effect.
Bright, light, and vivid with a golden hue.