Even helps with out of focus images! While nothing can create detail where there is none, this will create a darn good illusion of sharpness.
4x6 with black border.
4x6 with EVEN white border.
5x7 black border with no stroke.
Simple but useful warming gel filters. Add a little mood to a blah, cool image.
8x10 black border with a white stroke.
Add a file name to your image 1200px.
Glows the highlights only to create an ethereal feel.
A unique painterly look that simplifies the image and makes it look half painted half photographic, in bold colors.
Rosy-red toning.
Deep darkness, bleached whites with a touch of peach and a bit of creamy smooth.
A risque color palette. Cool in the shadows, warm in the mids, bold and punchy. Try it for a fashion edge or modern moodiness.
Black border with white stroke keyline for vertical.
A B&W conversion allowing fine tuning of the totality of different colors prior to conversion.
A B&W conversion that will allow you to fine tune the tonality of different colors prior to conversion. Has an edgy boldness. Reduced intensity from the standard version.
A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel and deep, warm shadows.