• $9
    Red Rover

    Red Rover

    Rich, deep colors with a reddish mahogany hue.

  • $9
    Skin Cream 2

    Skin Cream 2

    A more intense version of Skin Cream 1. Run this BEFORE a B&W effect to brighten and smooth skin color. Works best on redder or ruddy skin tones. Not meant to be used on a color image.

  • $9
    Fine Tooth Comb - Paint In

    Fine Tooth Comb - Paint In

    Gradually building paint in sharpening.

  • $9
    BW Modern with Edge

    BW Modern with Edge

    A great new B&W conversion with a slight infrared-ish feel AND an underlying edginess that gives it a bite. Grrr.

  • $9
    BW KPZ Grainy Film

    BW KPZ Grainy Film

    A high speed film effect with grain added.

  • $6
    Res down 10 steps

    Res down 10 steps

    Plays Res down 110% 10 times in a row.

  • $9
    Backlight Compensation 2x

    Backlight Compensation 2x

    Raises the shadow values without affecting the highlights as much, version more than 1.

  • $9
    The Look 2

    The Look 2

    Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop. This version has more contrast.

  • $9
    The Look 2 with Smooth

    The Look 2 with Smooth

    Gentle enough to be used everyday but adds that punch that makes images pop. This version has more contrast and skin smooth added.

  • $9
    Moulin Rouge with Glow

    Moulin Rouge with Glow

    Punchy contrast and an old world color palette with a soft glow for more romance.

  • $9
    5x7 blk borders wht key

    5x7 blk borders wht key

    5x7 black border with a white stroke.

  • $9
    ToneTime Blue 1

    ToneTime Blue 1

    Cool blue monochromatic toning.

  • $9
    Split Tone Warm and Blue

    Split Tone Warm and Blue

    Classic split toning with warm in the shadows and cool blue in the highlights.

  • $9
    BW via LAB with Color

    BW via LAB with Color

    Same as B&W via lab, but with the color layer added back for hand coloring effect.

  • $9
    Image Grunge

    Image Grunge

    Adds a bit of a unique texture to your image that changes each time it's applied.

  • $6
    Border White Horizontal

    Border White Horizontal

    White border for horizontal image.

  • $6
    Highlight Enhancer

    Highlight Enhancer

    Use this when your highlights just aren't the highlight of your day. Paint where you want to make them shine.

  • $9
    Enter the Dragon's Lair

    Enter the Dragon's Lair

    Like Enter the Dragon - but darker and more dramatic. Edges have vignette and texture. Bruce Lee would hide in here while fighting Chuck Norris. Bruce would win.

  • $6
    Flare with Flair Top Center

    Flare with Flair Top Center

    Perfectly controlled lens flare is not always achievable at the shot. Here's a soft, diffused effect - like sun scattered it's light on your image. Use when the sun should come from top center in the image. Caution: Never stare at the sun.

  • $9
    Portrait Setup step 2

    Portrait Setup step 2

    Automatically prepares the necessary layers for retouching portraits. Use the Action hide/show notes to remove the note.