Run this BEFORE a B&W effect to brighten and smooth skin color. Works best on redder or ruddy skin tones. Not meant to be used on a color image.
This earthy cement-like texture will add a cool blue-green tone with orange flecks to your images.
This like sand earth texture is simple, clean and warm in tone.
3-Dimensional and bold with a surreal smoothness to it. Almost a painterly feel, but not quite. Use it on daring people pictures to smooth skin. Stronger than 1.
Bright and cheery, light and fruit smoothie.
This lightly scratched earth texture has a warm glow with burnt edges to brighten the focal point of your shot.
A warm earth texture that is light, smooth and classic.
This heavy earth texture is cool in tone, with some warm brush strokes and rough letters.
A very simple, clean earth texture will add cool tones and slight texture to your images.
Kubota's The Look with Smooth combined for wonderfulness.