This effect works primarily on the shadows adding localized contrast and color boost.
Boosts contrast, clarity, and sharpness as needed based on the characteristics of this lens.
A snappy B&W conversion with some grain.
One of our favorite B&W conversions. Slight warmth and punch.
One of our favorite B&W conversions. More than version 1 in warmth and punch.
Cuts the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap.
Cuts more of the haze in some digital images. Adds a bit of localized contrast and gives images just a little snap. Heavier version of Clarify Lite.
Contrasty enhanced color similar to Fuji's Velvia.
Just a little snap and contrast without affecting color tone or saturation. If you want to boost and add vibrance to colors too, try Boosterizer.